I'm finally starting to adjust to the time difference, but unfortunately it doesn't get dark until after 10 at night and the sun rises before 5am. Thankfully, I've been too tired to notice... otherwise I might never sleep.
Believe it or not, Lithuania is actually unbelievably beautiful. I thought it would be grey and ugly. Picture the way Russia looks in movies... pretty terrible. Lithuania is nothing like that. I could literally take a picture of any building in Vilnius and it would make a worthy screensaver.

Hopefully I can upload some photos to prove it. The gigantic cathedral was one of many cool buildings, and the underground crypts were strait out of the library scene in The Last Crusade. Creepy, but full of sweet
medieval coffins and tunnels.
The cathedral was the start of our tour of the city which ended at a restaurant straight out of Robin Hood. It was an old dungeon with a candlelit chandelier and weapons hanging on all the walls. We had three dinner knives... Erol Flynn's utensil of choice.
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