Lithuania was a very cool place. The capital Vilnius was a beautiful city as you may have seen from my photos. There were a bunch of things that I meant to blog about, but my time/internet access has been very limited. I’ve since moved on through Latvia to Russia, but here are my parting thoughts/highlights of my last few days in Lithuania, particularly in Klaipeda, the major coastal city.
Food in Lithuania is crazy. A typical meal consisted of a salad, and maybe soup, followed by a salad, maybe some chicken, and a cup of lemons with a hint of water. At one particular eatery, “Pizza Jazz”, we all prepared for a filling plate of cheese and pepperoni on a tasty crust. After a delicious salad and bowl of soup, the excitement began to grow. We were famished, and the prospect of Pizza made me as giddy as Kevin in the presence of a female. Suddenly, our guide approached our end of the table and asked, “Who wants dessert?”…Lithuania…they've got the Jazz, but not the Pizza.
I’m not complaining. The food was actually very good, but at times I felt like ringing out my socks was the best way to get a cup of liquid refreshment. I don’t know how anyone stays hydrated. Thankfully our bus had AC…broken AC, but it’s the thought that counts.
The best part about meals in Lithuania wasn’t the food though, it was the restaurants. These people eat in the strangest places. On several occasions, we would travel several miles to a giant theme park/restaurant/garden for lunch or dinner. You may have seen hobbit villages or strange statues in my photos. Those aren’t historical sites (besides the occasional castle)…those are typical Lithuanian restaurants…an experience more than a meal. So weird. Every major restaurant in this country is a Chuck E Cheese for adults and mythical creatures. I think someone should try it in America.
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